Integrating Branch IO Analytics with Shopney is pretty easy with just one click and it works seamlessly. But if you still encounter some issues, you can try out a few of the suggestions seen below.
Branch IO Analytics integration is easy to set up with the step-by-step guide we prepared although it has several steps to follow. If you cannot see it up and running, the issue might be caused by one of the following reasons:
1. Incorrect copying or pasting of the Branch Key.
2. Incorrect copying or pasting of Default Link Domain.
3. Staying in Test mode instead of Live
As Shopney, we don't send customer info to Branch IO Analytics with this integration. We send only the in-app events.
If you are integrating Branch IO Analytics into your app after its first launch, you should make sure that your app users update their apps to track their in-app events as well. Otherwise, you will not be able to track their significant action data on the Branch IO dashboard.
Please contact the Shopney Support Team if you require any additional information. You are always welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns. Our support team will gladly answer your questions and assist you with anything!
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