If you followed all the steps properly on our 'How to integrate Gorgias with your Shopney mobile app?' guide, it's not likely to have any problems with the integration.
However, if you still have a malfunction, it's easy to fix. Let us cover the likely issues and how to fix them.
1. Reset Of Password (API Key) On Gorgias End
If you cannot see the messages from your Shopney mobile app on Gorgias dashboard after a certain time, it might be related to the Password (API key). It might be reset on Gorgias, and you see a different API key in your Gorgias dashboard.
In this case, you need to disable the integration as shown below (at the very bottom of the image) and set it up from the beginning.
Once you set up the integration again, it should function properly. And, the messages from your Shopney mobile app will be
2. Entering Wrong Integration Data
As you might remember, you need to copy BASE API URL (1), Username (2), and Password (3) data on your Gorgias dashboard and paste them into the related fields on Shopney integration dashboard.
If you somehow entered the wrong data into one or more fields, the integration won't function.
In case of entering wrong data or having doubt about it, we recommend you to check them all and make sure you enter the right data.
3. Don't Use Send & Close Button
When you are dealing with mobile app conversations on your Gorgias dashborad, do not use 'SEND & CLOSE' button.
Because it will close the conversation on Shopney end just after sending the message to mobile app. In that case, the user will get the push notification about the message but, will not be able to see it.
As this scenario is a very unsatisfying dead-end experience for the user, we strongly recommend you to avoid it.
4. Not Being Able To Send Photos or Attachments To Shopney Chats
This is related to the features of Shopney mobile app. Your Shopney mobile app chat does not support document and image share on the conversations.
So even if you can send and receive files and images solely on Gorgias, you will not be able to have that function on Shopney related conversations. When you still send a file or image, it will be displayed as non-sense code texts. And, it will be really confusing for your customer.
Please contact the Shopney Support Team if you require any additional information. You are always welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns. Our support team will gladly answer your questions and assist you with anything!
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Please note that this integration was built with our partner, and while we do support it, in case any technical issue arises, the wait time might be a bit longer than for a regular support request. Thanks for your understanding!