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How to integrate Google Places to Shopney?
How to integrate Google Places to Shopney?

An easy to follow step-by-step guide on integrating Google Paces with Shopney.

Lara Soley avatar
Written by Lara Soley
Updated over 10 months ago

In this article, we will guide you on each and every singly step to activate Google Places integration of Shopney. Please follow the instructions below carefully to make it happen.

  • Available Plans: This feature is available in Platinum Plan and above.

Steps to follow to enable Google Places

  1. Click the enable button

3. Click the manage button

4. Select "Keys & Credentials" from left menu and Click "Credentials in APIs & Services"

Creating Android key

1.Click "Create Credentials" and select "API key"

2. Copy your API key for pasting in to its place Android key in the Shopney dashboard.

3. Click 3dot your API key and select "Edit API key"

4. Copy the name "Android Places API Key" and paste it into the Name field. To avoid confusion, we recommend that you use the API key with the correct name.

iOS Key

1.Click "Create Credentials" and select "API key"

2. Copy your API key for pasting in to its place iOS key in the Shopney dashboard.

3. Click 3dot your API key and select "Edit API key"

4. Copy the name "iOS Places API Key" and paste it into the Name field. To avoid confusion, we recommend that you use the API key with the correct name.

Your keys have been created!

When the API creates a key, your key becomes unrestricted. This does not prevent using your Google places API integration. But to prevent unauthorized use, we recommend restricting where and for which APIs it can be used. For more information please visit this link.

If you want to see how key restoration is done, you can continue with the How to create key restrictions section. If you are not going to do it, you can save the integration and start using it.

How to create key restrictions?

Android restriction

1. Click 3dot your Android Places API key and select "Edit API key"

2. Select "Android apps" under Set an application restriction

3. Click "ADD" buton under Android restrictions

4. Enter your Android app Package Name.

INFO: For detailed information about your Package Name, please visit this link.

5. Enter your SHA-1 certificate fingerprint and click Done buton.

INFO: For detailed information about your SHA-1 certificate fingerprint, please visit this link.

6. Select "Restrict Key" under API restrictions

7. Click "Select APIs" dropdown and select "Places API" option and then click OK buton.

8. Click Save buton.

iOS restriction

1. Click 3dot your iOS Places API key and select "Edit API key".

2. Select "iOS apps" under Set an application restriction.

3. Click "ADD" buton under iOS restrictions.

4. Enter your iOS bundle ID.

5. Select Restrict Key under API restrictions.

6. Click "Select APIs" dropdown and select "Places API" option and click OK buton.

7. Click Save buton.

Your keys have been restricted!

Please contact the Shopney Support Team if you require any additional information. You are always welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns. Our support team will gladly answer your questions and assist you with anything!

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