Route helps Shopify brands with an elevated post-purchase customer experience based on shipping insurance and tracking ability.
It covers the cost of lost, stolen or damaged packages white letting customers reorder in one click. Besides, it delivers proactive shipping and delivery updates for every order, while bringing the transaction history, visualization map and carrier resolution options in one convenient place.
The core benefits of this integration
Your customers will have the peace of mind that comes with order protection and order tracking abilities of Route. The clarity about the order and elevated customer satisfaction will result in more sales and revenue.
The benefits above is happening with an actual change in the mobile app UI. Once you enable the integration, the package protection section appears in the bottom side of mobile app cart page as show below image.
The order protection cost will be calculated by Route depending on the cart value and reflected to the total amount.
Please contact the Shopney Support Team if you require any additional information. You are always welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns. Our support team will gladly answer your questions and assist you with anything!