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How to integrate Yotpo Loyalty to Shopney?
How to integrate Yotpo Loyalty to Shopney?

Learn how to enable Yotpo integration for your mobile app and bring along your loyalty program.

Hazel Palan avatar
Written by Hazel Palan
Updated over 3 months ago

We prepared a step-by-step guide on integrating Yotpo Loyalty with your mobile app. Please follow the instructions below to set it up.

  • Available Plans: This feature is available in Platinum Plan and above.

1. Go to your Shopify dashboard. Then, open the 'Apps' tab and select 'Yotpo Loyalty & Rewards'.

2. Click on Settings in the left menu, then go to General Settings and scroll down.

3. Copy the API Key and GUID from the Integrations section and paste it into the relevant section of the integration on the Shopney dashboard.

4. Click on Display On-Site in the left menu, then select and create the feature to be used.

​5. Click the three dots next to the created feature and select Get Code.

6. Copy the Script and Instance ID and paste it into the relevant section of the integration on the Shopney dashboard.

7. Save changes.

After completing all these steps, your Shopney mobile app will be integrated with Yotpo Loyalty & Rewards.

After carrying out the process above, please make sure that you enrich your mobile app design with loyalty items. You can use the 'loyalty' design element in your home page and menu design.

Please contact the Shopney Support Team if you require any additional information. You are always welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns. Our support team will gladly answer your questions and assist you with anything!

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Please note that this integration was built with our partner, and while we do support it, in case any technical issue arises, the wait time might be a bit longer than for a regular support request. Thanks for your understanding!

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